Monday, January 22, 2007

What Will Jack Do Next?

The new season of 24 has started, which means for many (like myself), Monday nights have been taken over by FOX. I think that this is the last season of 24, right? So that being said, I have to ask - what is Jack Bauer capable of this season? I mean, in the 2 hour season opener, he BIT out some dude's jugular vein in order to kill him. I didn't think that they would go that far. And are they going to kill Jack off this season? I say yes. "He just can't take it anymore." Uhhhhh. what a wuss. Maybe Jack should have an affair with Chloe. Or maybe Chloe should have an affair with that guy that somehow made the transition from The OC to 24... hmmm. What do ya'll think? I think that we should generate a list of TOP TEN THINGS THAT WILL HAPPEN ON 24 THIS YEAR. But I'm not going to do it alone, so add some things and we'll put a list together! It's already episode 4, so we have to hurry!

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