Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sightings and Celeb Scoop

I guess the powers that be didn't think that interviewing 4 A-List celebrities was enough for me in one day. So as I networked my butt off with other members of the entertainment press at the bar at the Four Seasons following all of our interviews, we were blessed with the presence of Sienna Miller. She sat at the bar, looking fabulous with a scarf on her head. Remember when I threatened to fight her after the Pittsburgh comment? Um, yeah right. She's so perfect that I could never do it. (I also just heard from a source last weekend that the racy sex scene in Factory Girl is real - they were actually having sex. Yowza).

By the way, I had to go to the bathroom Saturday and look in the mirror and actually say "is this my life? YES."
God, I love it so much.

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