Sunday, December 09, 2007

Interviews this Week!

OK, I know - I didn't write on my blog for a couple of weeks. But I'm here to tell you that I have a story that was worth the wait. This week, I have two great interviews lined up: Christina Ricci (for her new film Penelope) and Katherine Heigl (for her new film 27 Dresses).

Um, hello - my life is awesome. I love both of these women, so of course I'm nervous and thrilled at the same time. I'm really excited to screen 27 Dresses before it comes out because it's all about being a bridesmaid when you are still single. Ha, welcome to my life!

Does anyone have any yearning questions that they would like me to ask these two Hollywood Starlets???

Let me know before Friday if you do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katherine rocks :) I am sooo jealous.

Maybe you could you ask her about her new production company Abishag? I'm a huge fan and would love to know more about the new projects she has going on. When does she think filming will begin on the story she has purchased rights for and the new unnamed action comedy?

Also what does she think of her fans who have followed her career over the years. My sister and I check her web site most days for updates. Grey's rules!

